Life as MommyMo

Saturday, February 06, 2010


I haven't been MIA in general (Facebook will prove that) but I have been awfully neglectful of my dear blog. We've had a busy couple of months fraught with lots of change (at work) and illness (at home.) I've also been working on a new project that I'm totally excited about... Details on that to come.

I figured the best way to jump back into MommyMo is just to post my Project 365 layouts. That pretty much covers a good portion of the time I've been absent from this particular place. I'm pretty excited that I've yet to miss a day taking a photo. I have never been particularly inspired to do that (ahem...I've been scared of failure..ahem) but when I looked at photos at the end of the year and saw how MUCH the kids had changed, I suddenly wanted to capture a piece of every single day to see what it tells me at the end of 2010. The boys are both at ages that will bring lots of change, so it should be fun and rewarding to commit to P365.

Look how coordinated and organized it looks using this kit! I'm NEVER this organized, but am going to love this album at the end of the year, I'm sure. I you want to use the kit yourself, it's from the lovely Leora Sanford at Little Dreamer Designs.


Unknown said...

I love that Ellie is stalking Frankie's food in this photo! :)

Melissa said...

Woohoo for the 365 layouts. I was planning to use the same kit, but then decided I couldn't, but I really love the look. Maybe next year. LOL

Noël said...

I am so jealous of your 365 layouts. They are organized & impressive!!!!